May 20, 2009

Homeward Bound

I am heading home….. in exactly 17 days I will be home. You have no idea how that makes me feel.

Here is the deal, I am tired…. really tired, in every possible way. So the thought of being home with my mom n dad thrills me to bits. I can’t wait.

I can’t wait to be in a house where if I take more than 10 steps I don’t find myself in the balcony.

I can’t wait to have coffee mate in my coffee.

I can’t wait to curl up in the living room reading the paper while watching TV.

And most importantly I can't wait to spend time with my parents.

Here is my normal routine when I am home. I wake up late, just in time to see my mom return from the gym (sigh!!). I then plonk myself in front of the TV with the morning’s paper while mom gets herself a bowl of cornflakes (nice) or oats (yuck!).

After breakfast and a shower either I am off roaming with her or sitting on the couch chatting to my Gran. Pa soon comes for lunch and that is soon followed by mom n dad fighting over dessert. The fight they maintain is legit.

Then its time of the snooze followed by evening coffee n soon enough the program that should be banned “idea star singer” airs. Every evening we bicker about watching it, but we end up watching coz well…according to my mother “Coz I said so!! “

And then… dinner time….

Yes I know, ..very boring .. yet…. There is comfort in this familiarity.

Right now nothing sounds more appealing than this.

1 comment:

Deepa said...

i just got back from home... now you've made me miss it!!