April 24, 2009

Attack of the deadly Avacado !

The other day I was in my favorite preschool class and as always chit chatting with the little tykes. Somehow the conversation turned to injuries. So while we were comparing different ways we hurt ourselves, one of the kids turned to me and we had this conversation.

“Ms Thomas….. Hmmm… you know… hmm…. my brother’s teacher…. Well … hmm … he got hurt.”

“Oh wow!! Really… was he hurt badly?? “

“Well…. Hmm… he was bitten by an avocado “

“A what???? “

“An avocado ...Ms Thomas “

(By this time…every other child was looking at me like I was daft...And nodding their heads and even telling me that they have seen the picture of the avocado”)

“Are you sure... That it was an avocado that bit him … coz I think an avocado is something you eat”

“Ewwwwwwwww Ms Thomas…. We can’t eat an avocado… It eats us ….. Come I will show you a picture of the avocado”

So we walk to the bookshelf….. And I was finally shown the deadly avocado…I finally saw it ... i started to shake .. fear or laughter ???...well you judge...

Staring back at me was the picture of ............